• Documentation

Format text in Trello

You can format text using the editor toolbar, keyboard shortcuts, and most Markdown syntax.

The editor toolbar

The editor’s toolbar contains all the text formatting tools to format your text in Trello. The Insert elements () menu can also be opened with the / keyboard shortcut.

The View Markdown button ( M) will show the page in Markdown format, but can’t be edited.

Trello editor toolbar showing text formatting options.

Markdown and keyboard shortcuts

Trello doesn’t support the complete Markdown syntax, but most of it will display as expected. Currently, Markdown is the only way to format text in Trello mobile.

Keyboard shortcuts and Markdown will convert into formatted text automatically as you type. To undo automatic formatting, use these keyboard shortcuts after the text is converted:

  • For Mac: ⌘ + Z

  • For Windows: CTRL + Z

Desired formatting


Keyboard shortcut (Mac)

Keyboard shortcut (Windows)



⌘ + B




⌘ + I




⌘ + Shift + S

CTRL + Shift + S



⌘ + K


Headings 1 - 6

# text
## text
### text
#### text
##### text
###### text

⌘ + Option + 1
⌘ + Option + 2
⌘ + Option + 3
⌘ + Option + 4
⌘ + Option + 5
⌘ + Option + 6

CTRL + Option + 1
CTRL + Option + 2
CTRL + Option + 3
CTRL + Option + 4
CTRL + Option + 5
CTRL + Option + 6

Double line break

1 2 3 text text



Single line break

1 2 text text

Shift + Return

Shift + Enter


Blockquote with

multiple paragraphs


> text

1 2 3 > text > > text

Note: Nested blockquotes are not supported

⌘ + Shift + 9

CTRL + Shift + 9

  1. Ordered list



1. text

Note: Use tab to indent and Shift + Tab to outdent

⌘ + Shift + 7


CTRL + Shift + 7


  • Unordered list


- text or * text

Note: Use Tab to indent and Shift + Tab to outdent

⌘ + Shift + 8


CTRL + Shift + 8


1 Code snippet


``` text

Note: Use the Insert element (+) menu in the toolbar to convert text into a code snippet



Inline code


⌘ + Shift + M

CTRL + Shift + M


--- or ***

⌘ + Shift + -

CTRL + Shift + -

Emoji shortcuts




Clear formatting


Note: Highlight the text then use the keyboard shortcut

⌘ + \

CTRL + \

Quick insert menu

The quick insert menu lets you add common content types like headings, lists, links, and quotes without needing to know the their keyboard shortcut. It’s available anywhere you see the editor toolbar.

To use the quick insert menu, type / and scroll through the list or begin typing to find a specific option. Once you’ve found the formatting option you want, press return and continue typing.

Format text in checklist items

Use keyboard shortcuts or Markdown to apply any of these formatting styles in a checklist item:

  • Bold text

  • Italicized text

  • Strikethrough text

  • Inline code

  • Links

By default, all links are displayed as inline links and show the title of the linked page. If you prefer a different default format you can change your link preferences in your Atlassian account settings. Edit link preferences

To change how an individual link displays, click on the link while you’re still editing the text field and select from the following options:

  • URL: Show the link’s URL

  • Inline: Show the title of the linked page

  • Card: Show the title and an image or description, depending on the link. Card view is not available for all links.

  • Embed: Show the content of the linked page. You can read a Confluence page or watch a YouTube video without leaving your Trello card! Embed view is not available for all links.

Checklist items will always show the inline version of a link. If you want to show the raw URL in a checklist item, try adding ` to either side of the URL to display it as inline code.


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