Mirroring cards

Mirroring cards helps you keep data in sync across all cards. When you attach a card to another card, the cards aren't automatically synced. But there are many great options for setting up different types of syncs across your cards.

One Way Sync

One way sync is when you want to maintain a parent/child relationship between cards. Data from one card is always pushed to the attached card, but not the other way around. Below are two options for setting up one way sync between cards.

Card syncing with Automation: Using Automation, you can have it update attached cards for actions of your choosing. For instance, the following automation will sync comments from one card to another:

  • when a comment is added to a card, find the first card linked in the attachments, and add comment "New comment on card {triggercardlink} by {username}: {commenttext}"

Third-party Power-ups: Some third-party Power-Ups are capable of setting up this one way sync between cards, you can search for Power-Ups for syncing cards here - https://trello.com/power-ups/search?q=sync

Two Way Sync

Two way sync allows you to keep two cards mirroring each other. When one is updated, the other also receives the update. There are some great options for setting up varying levels of two way sync between boards and cards in Power-Ups developed by third-parties external to Trello, you can search for these here - https://trello.com/power-ups/search?q=sync

Please note: While it is possible to set up rules in Automation that in theory would be able to sync your cards two way, this will likely cause a loop in Automation which can lead to issues on your board and cause you to use your Automation quota quickly.

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