Use the Card Aging Power-Up
The Card Aging Power-Up helps you see cards on a board that haven’t been touched in a while. When enabled, cards will visibly age with inactivity.
There are two modes of card aging: “Regular” and “Pirate”. In regular mode, cards become progressively more transparent and “fade out” the longer they remain untouched. In pirate mode, cards will tear, yellow, and crack like an old pirate map. You can adjust these settings by opening the Settings:
Here is an example of card aging in "Regular" mode:
Inactive cards slowly fade out with card aging.
What do aging cards look like on my board?
The following chart displays the various gradients of card aging for both "Regular" and "Pirate Mode".
Unaged, regular, and pirate mode cards.
Last updated
When card aging is enabled on a board you will also be able to see when a card was last updated. Open the card and the time and date of the last update will be beneath the card's name.
See when a card was last updated on the card's back.
Evergreen cards
Evergreen cards don't age from Card Aging. You can toggle a card as Evergreen through the Card Aging card button. Evergreen cards are perfect for informational cards that don't get interacted with often, but you don't want them to become aged.
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