Undoing an action in Trello

While viewing a board or a card, you can undo recent actions that you’ve taken by simply pressing the Z keyboard shortcut (full list of keyboard shortcuts here). Each time you press it, your most recent card action will be undone. For example, if you add a label to a card, pressing Z while viewing that card will remove that label.

If you want to undo a mistake, but it wasn’t your last action, that’s OK — you can press Z again to undo each action, one by one, until you’ve recovered the intended result. If you’ve gone too far, though, and have accidentally undone actions that you wanted to keep, press Shift + Z to redo an action that you’ve undone!

Please note that you can only undo your own actions, and not others’. When working on a card collaboratively, be careful about undoing changes to a card's description — by reverting a description change to a previous draft, you may lose a collaborators' edits!

Supported Actions

Currently, only the following card actions can be undone. Note that actions that aren’t included in this list at this time will be skipped over when undoing your actions:

  • Joining a card

  • Leaving a card

  • Adding a member to a card

  • Removing a member from a card

  • Moving a card

  • Adding a label

  • Removing a label

  • Archiving a card

  • Unarchiving a card

  • Renaming a card

  • Updating a description

  • Setting a due date

Deleting in Trello is still a permanent action. Undo cannot reverse deletion of content such as cards, lists, labels, etc..


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