Workspace admin capabilities

Workspace admins have a different set of capabilities than board admins. If you’re looking for information about board admins, see Changing permissions on a board.

Free Workspaces

On a free Workspace, it’s easy to collaborate because all members are granted admin status by default. When everyone on the Workspace has uniform permissions, there are no blockers to productivity. Here’s what free Workspace admins can do:

Member and guest control

  • Invite and remove Workspace members

  • Invite and remove Workspace guests (regardless of admin’s board access)

  • Create Workspace invite links

  • Convert guests into Workspace members

Board control

  • View and join Workspace-visible and public boards (provided board settings allow self-join)

Workspace control

  • Edit Workspace profile information, such as name and description

  • Change the Workspace visibility

  • Upgrade the Workspace to Premium or Standard

  • Request to add a Workspace to an Enterprise

  • Delete the Workspace

If your Workspace requires more granular permissions, such as managing who is an admin or normal member, changing permissions is available as a Trello Premium or Standard feature.

For free Workspaces (those that haven't upgraded to a Premium or Standard plan), being a Workspace admin doesn't give admin control over Workspace boards—to make changes to other users' boards in your Workspace, you'll need to be invited as a board admin manually. Instead, the main benefit for Workspace at that level is to keep everything in one place in the app—Workspace-visible boards can all be seen on one page, which is helpful for new Workspace members. 

Standard and Premium Workspaces

With Standard and Premium, the capabilities listed above are reserved for Workspace admins. Standard and Premium Workspace admins can also set member roles to normal and they have admin status on all Workspace boards, including private boards.

Additionally, Premium Workspace admins:

  • Manage who can create and delete Workspace boards at different visibility levels

  • Manage who can add guests to a board

  • Can turn single-board guests into multi-board guests

Enterprise Workspaces

Enterprise Workspace admins have all the capabilities of Premium Workspace admins. Enterprises also get an additional layer of management through the Systems Admin role, which offers higher-level capabilities like enforcing security and privacy settings across multiple Trello Workspaces. To learn more about Enterprise Systems Admins, see What is an Enterprise Admin? and Enterprise Getting Started Guide - Systems Admins.

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