Adding people to a board

Anyone you invite to your Boards counts as a Collaborator. If your workspace is on our Free plan they’ll also count towards the 10-Collaborator Limit for Free workspaces. You can find out more about this here.

To add members to a board, select Share from the board menu. Search for a user by name or enter an email address to invite them to the board. Click their name to add them to the board. Depending on the board settings, you may need to be an admin to invite someone to the board.

Trello will provide you with a list of “Suggested Users” based on the users you have recently worked with. New users might not see any “Suggested Users” as it will only populate as and when you use Trello.

You can add members to boards even if they are not already using Trello. Just enter the person's email address and click "Send invitation". The user's permission level will be considered 'virtual' until they join Trello, but you can still add the user to cards.


Sharing your board with an unverified account

Trello requires new accounts to verify that they have access to the email address they signed up with. This is a security measure to confirm that the person is who they say they are. Sharing your board with an unverified account could potentially allow unauthorized access to your board.

Adding someone as an admin

You can make someone an admin of a board after they've been added as a member. If a Workspace admin is invited to a board, or if they self-join, they’ll be added as board admins by default.

Adding someone as a board guest

board guest is a user that is invited to a board but isn't a member of the board's workspace. Inviting someone normally to the board who isn't a member of the workspace will automatically make them a board guest.

Adding someone as an observer

Boards in Premium Workspaces can also have observers in addition to normal members. Observers are board members that are able to view a board and the cards within the board, download card attachments, comment and vote on cards (if that is enabled for the board), and export the board. 

Observers are not able to move or edit cards, upload card attachments, tick the box on a checklist item, and observers can't change board settings. Observers are treated the same as normal members of the board from a billing perspective. 


You can also invite others to your boards by sharing a special link with them. Read more about that here.

Allow Workspace members to join

If you would like any of your Workspace members to be able to join the board and collaborate, you can select "Allow Workspace members to join" from "More" > "Settings" in the board menu. When you select this option a checkmark will appear next to "Allow Workspace members to join" and your Workspace members can add themselves to the board.


You can let Workspace members join boards within the Workspace.

Commenting permissions

You can further control board permissions in the "Settings" option in the board menu (click "More" to expand the menu options). Under "Commenting permissions," you can select who is allowed to comment on the board: no one, just board members, board members and observers, all Workspace members (whether or not they are board members), or any Trello user.


Invitations permissions

Using the "Invitations permissions" menu, you can select who's allowed to invite new members to your board. If "Admins" is selected, only board administrators can invite new members. If "All members" is selected, any board member can invite a new member to your board.


Choose who can invite new members to your board.

Troubleshooting board invitations


When someone new is invited to a Trello board with an email address that is not registered to a Trello account, our system creates a temporary virtual placeholder account connected to that invitation token.

Instead of creating a new Trello account, you may try to update an existing Trello account to reflect the email that was invited to the board. When this happens, the original invitation token still exists on the board and isn't updated to reflect the newly updated account.

The newly invited person sees a banner that says "You'll need to create an account for Trello to join the board" even though they're logged into an account registered to that email.

To fix this problem:

The admin of the board will need to remove the invited Virtual member's accounts from the board and invite them again using the same email address. That should link up with the right account now and grant the new member access to the board as expected!

Why can’t I invite people to my board?

If your board is in a Workspace on Trello’s Free plan, it’s possible this workspace has 10 or more collaborators which would prevent you adding any new ones, you can find out more about this and how to invite more collaborators here - Collaborator Limit for Free Workspaces

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