• Documentation

Automate with URL Scheme

For explanations of the x-success, x-error, x-cancel parameters see the  x-callback-url Spec.

Note: If a user calls a createXXX method and doesn't specify success/failure callbacks, then they are left on the newly created item.


Links to a board

id : board id
shortlink : board shortlink (can be with or without the " https://trello.com/b/" prefix)

1 2 <code>trello://x-callback-url/showBoard?x-source=MyTestApp&shortlink=81QRDHnt


Links to a card

id : card id
shortlink : card shortlink (can be with or without the " https://trello.com/c/" prefix)

1 2 <code>trello://x-callback-url/showCard?x-source=MyTestApp&id=526e7338ffa7dfb94d0084a6


Creates a new board. Optional support for a success, failure and cancel callback.

name : Name for the board

organization : Name of the organization in which to create the board.
permission : Permission level to set (private/public/organization, Default: private)
x-success : URL to call on success. The board id of the newly created board is returned as a parameter called "id", and the shortlink suffix is returned as "shortlink".
x-error : Error callback

1 2 <code>trello://x-callback-url/createBoard?name=My%20New%20Board&x-success=myapp%3A%2F%2Fsuccess& x-error=myapp%3A%2F%2Ffailure Breaks down to: Name = "My New Board" Success Callback = "myapp://success?id={new_board_id}&shortlink={new_board_shortlink}" Failure Callback = "myapp://failure?errorCode={error_code_here}&errorMessage={error_message_here}"


Creates a new card in a specified board. Optional support for a success, failure and cancel callback.

id : board id of a board on which the user has permission to create cards
shortlink : board shortlink (can be with or without the " https://trello.com/b/" prefix)

name : The name for the new card

description : The description text to attach to the card
list-id : id of the list within the specified board in which to insert the card (Default: First list)
use-pasteboard : Interpreted as a boolean (0, 1, "true", "false", etc.) that indicates whether the contents of the pasteboard should be included. All entries on the pasteboard will be attached to the resulting card if they fall under one of the following  UTIs:

Special ( If you provide data of this custom UTI, it will be used as the file name for the attachemnt.)

1 2 <code>com.fogcreek.attachment-name

Image Types

1 2 <code>public.jpeg public.png public.tiff com.microsoft.bmp com.compuserve.gif com.adobe.photoshop-image com.adobe.illustrator.ai-image

Document Types

1 2 <code>public.text com.adobe.pdf com.microsoft.word.doc org.openxmlformats.wordprocessingml.document com.microsoft.excel.xls org.openxmlformats.spreadsheetml.sheet com.microsoft.powerpoint.ppt org.openxmlformats.presentationml.presentation public.text public.plain-text public.utf8-plain-text public.utf16-external-plain-text public.utf16-plain-text public.rtf public.html public.xml

Source Code Types

1 2 <code>public.c-source public.objective-c-source public.c-plus-plus-source public.objective-c-plus-plus-source public.c-header public.c-plus-plus-header com.sun.java-source com.apple.quicktime-movie

Media Types

1 2 <code>public.mpeg public.mpeg-4 public.mp3 public.mpeg-4-audio com.microsoft.waveform-audio

x-success : URL to call on success. The card id of the newly created card is returned as a parameter called "id", and the shortlink suffix is returned as "shortlink".
x-error : Error callback

1 2 <code>trello://x-callback-url/createCard?shortlink={board_shortlink}&name=MyCardName&description=MyCardDescription This would create a card and leave the user on the card screen.

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