Dashboard view

Dashboard view gives you a new perspective on projects and processes, making it easier to manage workloads and prevent bottlenecks before they begin by bringing visualization to key metrics like due dates, assigned cards, and cards per list. The Dashboard View provides insights into work that is due soon, how work has progressed over time, and how team workload is distributed.

Dashboard View

Accessing Dashboard View

Ready to manage project roadblocks and monitor project progress? Click on the drop down arrow next to boards option and select dashboard. Once you click on the “dashboard” the icon will appear next to the board view.

Dashboard view

Using Dashboard View

Add, edit, or delete tiles to create a Dashboard that works for you and your team.

Using Dashboard view


By default, the Dashboard will include tiles for Cards per list, Cards per due date, Cards per member, and Cards per label. You can edit or remove tiles by clicking the "..." in the top right corner of a tile. Editing a tile allows you to switch between a bar graph or a pie chart. Add new tiles to your Dashboard by clicking the "+" at the bottom of the Dashboard View.  

When editing or adding a new tile to the Dashboard, you'll select a tile type (bar graph or pie chart) and then specify the type of board data (Cards per list, Cards per due date, etc..) you'd like to see in the filter.

Edit your tile to view a different data set within the filter

Card counts per various filters

Hover your mouse over the pie charts or bar graphs to see the number of cards included in the filter's count.

Dashboard Card counts


Who can use Dashboard view? 

Members of Premium, including Guests. Make sure your board is in a Premium Workspace: Moving a board to a different Workspace.

Can I see which cards the Dashboard view charts refer to? 

Not in the early version of Dashboard view, but we like how you think. We'd love to hear your feedback and suggestions in the yellow banner at the top of the Dashboard view on your board!

Can I see other types of data points in the Dashboard view charts, like Custom Field calculations or Advanced Checklist information? 

Not in the early version of Dashboard view, but it's a good point! Share your feedback in the yellow banner at the top of the Dashboard view on your board.

How do I exit the Dashboard view and return to the normal board view? 

Open the Views Switcher in the top left corner of the board, and select "Board". 

Can I export my Dashboard? 

Not at this time, but please share your feedback in the yellow banner at the top of the Dashboard View on your board.

Will Dashboard view be available in Trello's mobile apps? 

Not right now, but we do offer Timeline View on mobile! 

Still need help?

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