• Documentation

The Trello App for Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams comes with Microsoft Office 365. Read more on setting up Microsoft Teams to get started.

The Trello app for Microsoft Teams links your Trello Workspaces to those in Microsoft Teams. When you run Microsoft Teams, Trello is enabled by default and available to all your teams. If you find Trello is not available per the instructions below, contact your IT admin, as they may have turned off 3 rd party tabs. You must be a member of each board that you want to add to your Microsoft Teams app.

There are 2 ways you can add Trello to Teams:

  1. Trello Tab

  2. Trello bot (Trello notifications)

Trello Tab

Tabs provide a dedicated canvas to see a Trello board inside Microsoft Teams.


To add a Trello tab to a channel:

  1. Select the channel, then click on the “+” sign to the right of the existing tabs

  2. In the popup, select Trello from the list of apps, then click “Log in with Trello"

  3. In the next popup, enter your credentials and click “Accept”

  4. Select the Trello board you would like to link to

Trello will create a new tab named after the board and the tab will contain the lists and cards for that board. Inside the tab, you can now interact with the board in the same way you would, had you logged in directly to http://trello.com/.

Note: You must be a member of a board to add it to your Teams application. Workspace Visible boards will not show as an option until you join the board.

Trello Notifications

The Trello app for Microsoft Teams app allows you to be notified about the changes on Trello boards and cards

Channel notifications

Channel notifications let you to be aware of changes in your Trello boards without switching the context. To configure the channel notifications:

  1. Select the channel, and call @Trello notifications command

  2. Click “Start getting Trello notifications in channel“/”Make changes” button in the received card

  3. In the popup click “Add new“ button, then select the Trello board and tick the desired notification options

  4. Save the configuration

Now when changes occur in your boards, lists, or cards Trello will notify teammates via the channel discussion. You can re-configure these notifications later by going through the same steps above.

Channel Notifications

Note: You must be a member of a board to select it in the notification configuration to your Teams channel or group chat. Visible boards from the workspace will not appear in the options list until you join the board. If you will do sign out from the Trello app or will lose access to the board all previously configured notifications will be suspended and all channel notification configurations should be re-created.

Personal notifications

With help of the Trello app you can receive updates about changes happening in the Trello boards or cards to a personal conversation with the app. To configure it:

  1. Open personal conversation with the Trello app

  2. Type link to link the board, then select a board from the list

  3. In the received card click on “Follow“ button.

Now when changes occur in your lists or cards, the Trello app will send you a card containing details. To stop receiving the notifications just click on “Unfollow“ button displayed on the notification card.

Note: While troubleshooting MS teams and Trello sync issues, please make sure that the MS Teams desktop client architecture matches Windows OS architecture, I.e both should be exactly same i.e 64 bit or 32 bit.

Need additional help?

Running into any trouble while using Trello in Microsoft Teams? Get in touch and we'll be glad to help: Contact Support | Trello

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