Watch a card, list, or board

Watching allows you to be notified when another user makes a change to a card, list, or board in Trello.

When watching a card, you’ll get notifications for…

  • All comments

  • Adding, changing, and upcoming due dates

  • Card moves and archives

When watching a list or board

  • You’ll get the same notifications listed above, but for all cards in a list or board.

  • You’ll also get notifications for all newly created cards

And at any time, you’ll get notifications when…

  • You are mentioned in a comment.

  • You are added to a card, board, or Workspace.

  • One of your boards is closed.

  • When someone makes you an admin of a board or Workspace.

  • You are mentioned in a checklist item.

  • You are assigned to a checklist item.

  • A due date is added or changed on a checklist item you’re assigned to.

  • A due date is coming up or past due for checklist items you’re assigned to.

Watching a card

Click the "Watch" button when the card is open. If you are added as a member of a card, you will automatically be watching that card.

Watch Button
Click on the Watch Button again to unwatch a card.

Watching a list

At the top of a list, click on the three dots to open the drop-down menu and choose "Watch." This will notify you of changes to all cards in that list.


Watching a board

From the board Menu, select "Watch." This will notify you of changes to all cards in that board.


Am I watching?

You can easily tell if you're watching a board, list, or card by looking for an "eye" icon. 

For a board it will be to the left of the menu in the sidebar:


For a list it will be next to the list's name:


And for a card it will be below the card's name, or or on top of the description text box within the card’s back.




See Also

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