Managing Licensed Members on the Enterprise Admin Dashboard

Licensed Members

Accounts that have been granted an Enterprise license appear on the Enterprise Members tab of the Enterprise admin dashboard. These are the accounts that are billable within your organization. 


The number of licenses available for use is shown in the seat count box at the bottom of the sidebar of the Enterprise admin dashboard. 


Accounts with an Enterprise license are subject to full Enterprise Admin control and visibility via the Enterprise dashboard, including: 

  • Board creation and deletion restrictions

  • Board invitation restrictions

  • Attachment restrictions

  • Power-up restrictions

  • Public board visibility and control.*

These restrictions only apply to boards in Enterprise Workspaces. Boards not in Enterprise Workspaces are not subject to these controls.

If there is a Default Workspace that has been set up on the Enterprise, users will be automatically added to that Workspace once they have been granted an Enterprise License.

In addition, licensed accounts can view all organization-visible boards, and have full access to all paid Trello features such as power-ups allowed in the Enterprise and Enterprise-grade automation. 

Free Managed Accounts

Free Managed Accounts are Trello users that are managed by your Enterprise and have not yet been granted a license. They are listed on the “Free Managed Accounts” tab in the Enterprise admin dashboard.

Because these users are not licensed, they are not billed for. A Trello user can become managed by your Enterprise a number of ways: 

  • A new user is created with an email address associated with a domain claimed by your Enterprise.

  • An existing user logs in to Trello using your company’s SSO for the first time.

  • An existing user has an email address that is associated with a domain claimed by an Atlassian Organization linked with your Trello Enterprise.

Free managed users are related to your Enterprise through email domain or SSO but because they do not have a license, they cannot access content owned by your Enterprise (unless they are allowed to as board guests) and are not subject to full Enterprise admin control and visibility that licensed members are. Think of this group as people at your company using Trello outside the Workspaces and boards owned by your Enterprise.

When a Trello Enterprise and an Atlassian Organization are linked, they’ll share the same set of managed members based on the Organization’s claimed domains. Any Trello user with an email address on the claimed domain will be a managed member of both the Enterprise and the Organization.

Granting a license to a Trello user

A member can be granted a license in one of two ways:

  • They are added to an Enterprise Workspace by a Workspace admin or Enterprise admin.

  • They are granted a license via the “Grant License” button on the “Free Managed Accounts” tab.


Note: In both cases, a member can only be granted a license if your Enterprise has enough seats remaining.

By default, a Trello user is not required to be managed by your Enterprise before they can be added to an Enterprise Workspace (and thus granted a license). To restrict your Enterprise’s Workspace to only managed members, change the “Workspace Membership Restrictions” setting in the “Security” tab of your Enterprise Admin Dashboard.

If you can manage users on, give users access to Trello on

Revoking a license from a billable member

A member’s license can be revoked at any time by deactivating their account using the “Deactivate” button in the “Members” tab.


Once deactivated, the member will no longer be considered a licensed member and will not have access to any Workspaces or boards that belong to your Enterprise.

Note: The deactivated user will be able to log in again with SSO, so be sure to also deactivate the user in your Identity Provider or Atlassian Organization if you would like to prevent them from accessing the account altogether.

If you can manage users on, remove their access to Trello on


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