Creating collections for Premium Workspaces

With Premium, you can create collections to easily group boards together. We recommend creating collections by team, department, or even major project.

All collections are managed from the Workspace’s boards page. To get there, expand the sidebar and click “Boards” just below the Workspace’s name.

Create a new collection

  1. Click the “+” below any board

  2. Choose “Create a collection”.

  3. Enter the new collection’s name and press “Save”

View an existing collection

Click ‘Filter by' to choose a collection to view.

Adding a board to a collection

On your Workspace's boards page, click the "+" below any board and then choose the collection you'd like to add the board to. To remove the board from the collection, click the "+" again and click the collection name to uncheck it.

Deleting a collection

You can edit or delete an existing collection from the menu under each board. Click the "+", then the next to the collection you'd like to edit or delete. 


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