GitHub Power-Up organization repos not showing

If you are unable to find your organization’s repos when using the GitHub Power-Up within Trello, you can try these troubleshooting steps.

Grant access to a GitHub organization

  1. Go to the Trello GitHub Integration settings at

  2. Look for the section titled Organization access

  3. Look for the new organization that you want to grant the GitHub Power-Up access to. There should be a button next to it that says "Grant" (or "Request"). Click this button to grant or request access to the new org for the GitHub Power-Up.

  4. Then on your Trello account, you may need to click Remove personal settings under the GitHub Power-Up to re-sync your GitHub account to Trello. Once you authorize your account again, you should see the organization.

Remove the authorization for the GitHub Power-Up from Trello and GitHub

To remove authorization in Trello, go to the board's menu, scroll down to Power-Ups, then click on GitHub and select Remove personal settings.


To remove it from GitHub you can go into GitHub, click your profile icon, click Settings, and then Applications in the left sidebar to see a screen that looks like this


Clicking Revoke next to Trello GitHub Integration will remove the Trello GitHub Power-Up's access.

At this point, you can go back to Trello and try to use the GitHub button to attach something. This will ask you to re-authenticate with GitHub. During the authorization flow you will see a screen that looks like the screenshot below:


On this page, make sure that the organization has a green checkmark next to it (like the Trello org in this screenshot). If it doesn't, you may need to reach out to your organization's admins to change its settings. It may be that the organization has third-party application restrictions on it. See for more information.

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