Voting in whiteboards

Whiteboards aren’t available in Atlassian Government environments.



Starting a voting session

To start a voting session:

  1. Select the voting icon in the right-side toolbar.

  2. Enter a name for the voting session.

  3. To hide collaborator votes, toggle Enable anonymous voting on.

  4. Choose the number of votes allowed per person by using the + and - or select the number and type in the number of votes.

  5. [開始] を選択します。

Starting a voting session in a whiteboard by clicking "Start" in the voting panel

Note: There is a maximum of 99 votes per person.


You can vote on any sticky note on the whiteboard. To vote:

  1. Select the + icon on an element to add a vote. You can vote for the same element multiple times.

  2. Select the - icon to remove a vote.

  3. Select I’m done to indicate that you are done voting to everyone on the whiteboard.

Adding a vote to a sticky note in a whiteboard


Ending a session

Anyone can end a voting session.

To end a voting session and display results:

  1. Select End for everyone in the voting modal.

  2. Confirm and select End voting.

A voting session cannot be restarted.

View voting results

When a voting session ends, everyone will see the results of that session.

  1. Click on a result in the voting panel to navigate to that element.

  2. Hover over the “thumb” icon to view the individuals who voted for that element.

Viewing results panel of a voting session in a whiteboard

If anonymous voting was enabled for the session, names will not be visible on element votes.

To view the results of any previous voting session on a whiteboard:

  1. Select the voting icon in the right-side toolbar.

  2. Select the Results tab.

Delete a voting session

To delete a voting session:

  1. Select the session you want to delete from the Results tab.

  2. Select the more icon in the top right of the panel.

  3. [削除] を選択します。

  4. Confirm and select Delete.

Results are deleted permanently.


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