What is a Trello Workspace?

Workspaces can be thought of as containers for boards, and all boards must be in a Workspace.

When you upgrade to a paid plan, you upgrade a Workspace. This gives its members access to upgraded features. Standard and Premium Workspaces are billed based on the number of members in the upgraded Workspace.

How should I set up my Workspaces?

There are different ways you can approach your own organization with Workspaces, and there is no right or wrong way to do things. With that said, we often see Workspaces being used to keep together boards that are related to the same subject or workflow, or even to keep all boards that are important to the same group of people, regardless of the subject.

The Workspace provides a helpful way to see all of your boards and collaborate with all of your members in one place. We usually recommend that Workspace encompass a group, or a company, rather than a single project—projects are best handled as a board or multiple boards.

For free Workspaces (those that haven't upgraded to Standard or Premium), all Workspace members are equal, which means that everybody can invite other members to join the Workspace, edit the Workspace profile, and change some settings of this collaboration space you all share.

Being a free Workspace admin doesn't give admin control over the boards within it—to make changes to other users' boards in your Workspace, you'll need to be invited as a board admin manually. Instead, the main benefit for Workspaces at that level is to keep everything in one place in the app— workspace-visible boards can all be seen on one page, which is helpful for new members.

For Standard and Premium Workspaces, their admins do have admin control over any board in the Workspace itself, without needing to be invited by the board's admin. 

Should I have multiple Workspaces for my company?

If you're a large organization with multiple discrete business units, setting up separate Workspaces may be a good option. You'll also want to check out our Enterprise plan if you're considering purchasing a company-wide Trello subscription.

If you're simply looking for a way to group boards together, we would recommend using a single Workspace and then using board Collections to organize them. Board Collections are a feature of Premiumwhich you can read about here

It's much easier (and more cost-effective) to upgrade a single Workspace to Premium than to have to upgrade multiple Workspaces.

Upgrading to Standard or Premium

Standard and Premium upgrades happen per-Workspace, rather than per-individual-account, which is why we suggest trying to organize your boards and members into a single Workspace. Premium provides lots of additional features, such as integrations with other servicescollections, and a host of features to make it easier to manage your Workspace.

If you do need to maintain several Workspaces for your company, you may be interested in our Enterprise plan. One of the features of Enterprise is that you only pay one time for each unique member, regardless of how many Workspaces within the Enterprise they belong to.

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