Use the Voting Power-Up
When the Power-Up is enabled, any member of the board will be able to vote on the cards on that board. These members will see a "Vote" button on each card back under "Actions."
Adding / Removing a Vote
People can vote on cards by clicking the "Vote" button on the card back (click on the card). The button will appear green if you have voted for the card. Clicking again will remove your vote. Hovering over a card and clicking "v" will also add or remove a vote.
To view a list of voters, click the vote tally box beneath the card name on the card back.
You can control who can vote on your cards:
board members only
board members and observers
members of the board's Workspace
or the public
Access the voting settings by clicking on the Power-Ups button at the top of the board > Voting > Edit Power-Up Settings > Who is allowed to vote on cards?
Options will vary depending on board visibility and Workspace type.
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