Change Trello profile visibility
Portions of a Trello profile are always public.
Change Trello profile visibility
Portions of a Trello profile are always public.
Change your email address
Since Trello is accessed via an Atlassian account, to change your email, you will need to change your Atlassian account email address.
Change your language in Trello
How to switch to a different language in Trello.
Change your profile photo
Change the profile photo that shows in Trello by changing it in your Atlassian account.
Change your public name and username
Most profile settings in Trello come from your Atlassian profile.
Does Trello offer support in other languages?
We have a number of langauges covered by our team, for other languages we use a translation service to help us read and respond.
Enable suggested actions
Enable or disable suggested actions on your Account settings page
Enable two-factor authentication for your Trello account
Trello uses the two-factor authentication configured through your Atlassian account.
How to transfer board memberships to a new account
Use this tool to transfer board membership from one Trello user account to another.
Merging and splitting multiple Trello accounts
Transfer boards to another to merge or split them.
Switching between Trello accounts
Log in to multiple Atlassian accounts and switch between them without logging out.
Turn on international time and date formatting
Date, time, and calendar formatting are based on the language you select in your Atlassian account.
Use Trello with an Atlassian account
With an Atlassian account, you can use just one account to log in to any Atlassian products.
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