• Documentation

Turn on international time and date formatting

Date, time, and calendar formatting are based on the language you choose for your Atlassian account.

For example, setting your language to English (US) from your account preferences will:

  • Use MM/DD/YYYY date formatting

  • Use a 12-hour clock

  • Begin the week on Sunday

Setting your language to English (UK) will:

  • Use DD/MM/YYYY date formatting

  • Use a 24-hours clock

  • Begin the week on Monday

To change your language:

  1. Go to your Atlassian account preferences

  2. From Language, select your preferred language from the dropdown options

If you don’t see the change right away, try refreshing Trello in your browser. If you’re using Trello’s desktop or mobile app, quit and reopen it to see changes.

Find more detail about manging your Atlassian account language preferences



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