Unable to load Power-Up error
If you're seeing an "Unable to load Power-Up" error, this usually means one of two things. Either the browser is timing out while trying to load those Power-Ups, or they may be blocked on your network.

One way to tell whether the browser is timing out or the network is blocking the Power-Ups is to try refreshing the page and opening the menu again. If specific Power-Ups are being blocked on your network, you'll receive an error for those Power-Ups every time. If they're timing out, the Power-Ups that are loading may change each time you refresh the page.
If the Power-Ups are timing out, that's usually related to the speed of the Internet connection. Try using a different network, or even just a different browser.
On the other hand, if the network is blocking those Power-Ups, you'll want to work with your IT team to remove those blocks. You can usually find more specific information about what's being blocked by looking at any errors being reported by the browser. For instructions on how to check the console for errors, see Troubleshooting browser issues in Trello.
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