Trello Planner

We’re planning to make Inbox and Planner available to a broader audience in the coming months. If you don’t see them in Trello, keep an eye on the Trello blog for more details.

Use Trello Planner to schedule time to complete the tasks from your boards and the ones you capture in your Trello Inbox.

With your Planner, you can view your calendar right next to your board so you can find time to complete your to-dos.

How to access your Planner

In the navigation bar, switch the view between boards and Inbox to the Planner:

A Trello board is open, then Trello planner is expanded with it into a split screen view.

You can also expand or collapse your Planner with g+p keyboard shortcut.

Press g and then press p. Pressing the second key first won’t trigger the shortcut.

Your Planner will automatically show calendar events from a single day, 3 days, or 7 days based on the size of your browser window.

You can also customize the size of the Planner by resizing each of the panels.

Connect a calendar to your Planner

Trello Planner with an option shown to Connect an external calendar.

To connect your Planner with your Google account:

  1. Open any Trello board, then open your Planner from the navigation bar

  2. Select Connect a calendar

  3. Choose a calendar type and proceed through the steps to allow Trello to view that calendar

Once your calendar account is connected, you’ll see your events appear in your Planner.

Google Calendar is supported, and Microsoft Outlook Calendar is planned for 2025.

Choose which calendars to show

When you first connect your calendar you’ll only see the default calendar from Google. To show or hide other calendars from your connected Google account:

  1. Open your Planner

  2. Select the Calendars menu. In 1-day view, you’ll find this option in Settings () then View connected calendars

  3. Select the calendars you want to see in your Planner

Add focus time in Planner

Add focus time to your calendar.

Schedule a single card by dragging and dropping a card from your board or your Inbox into any open time slot in your Planner. Or, add an empty focus time so you can link cards to it later.

To add an empty focus time:

  1. Open your Planner and select a time slot

  2. Select a start and end time

  3. Select Save

Focus time events you create in Trello will appear in your connected calendar.

To link a card with your focus time, drag and drop the card from your Inbox or board onto any focus time event. The card’s location isn’t changed and can still be found within the Inbox or your board. You can also link multiple cards to a focus time.

Adding a card to a focus time event doesn’t add a due date to a card or doesn’t update the due date if it’s already set on a card.

Card links will only be visible in your Planner, not in the connected calendar.

Trello Planner with the option to remove a card from the focus time highlighted.

To unlink a card from focus time:

  1. Open your Planner and select the focus time event to open it

  2. Hover over the card title, then select Unlink card from event ()

The focus time event will remain in your Planner.

Delete focus time in Planner

There are two ways to delete a focus time event in your Planner:

  • Select the event in your Planner, then select Delete this event ()

  • Delete the event in your Google Calendar directly

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