Submit a feature request for Trello

Do you have an idea for a cool new feature of Trello that you think could be the Next Big Thing™? This guide is here to help you understand how we keep track of feature requests as well as how to submit new ones.


The idea you have may not exist in Trello, but there might be a workaround out there already. Try a Google search for Trello your-feature, e.g. Trello calendar integration. What you want may already be solved!

How we decide on new features

We want Trello to be awesome. Sometimes this means not working on one thing so we can work on something else that's more important. Check out our public roadmap

Deciding what's important isn't easy. Here's how we do it:

  • Review the ideas submitted to us. This allows us to identify common themes and areas that need improvement.

  • Review customer communication via TwitterFacebook, our public development boards, and incoming email that raise common themes and excellent ideas to the team.

  • We have an internal Trello Development board that we use to discuss features among the team and decide who will work on them.

  • Members of the various teams within Trello meet regularly to discuss the overall direction of Trello and what features will help move us in the right direction.

We want to be careful to add the right features to Trello so that it remains a product that you love. This Trello blog article gives even more detail about we act on your requests

Submitting a new feature idea

Right now, Trello’s team is focused on working on a few large-scale priorities for the app itself—these are big changes that take a lot of time to put together. That means that for right now, our short-term roadmap is oriented towards taking the steps we need to take to be in a good place to push those changes.

That said, if you have a feature you would love to see in Trello, we’d be happy to hear it! Just know that we may not be able to work on it right away—or ever, if it turns out that it doesn’t line up with our big-picture goals for the app. For those big-picture feature requests and ideas, feel free to contact us via

What we’ve shipped!

Check out our public development boards to look back at the updates and new features we've shipped over time:

See Also

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