• Documentation

Table view

Trello's Table view lets you see cards from a single board in list, and lets you filter them by label, members, and due dates. 

To view cards from multiple boards within a Workspace in a list, use Workspace table view.

View a board in Table view

To access the Table view, make sure the board is on a Premium or Enterprise Workspace. On the Top left corner of the board, you should see the View Switcher to enable the Table view. Click on the chevron icon, and check the option Table. Enabling it will give you the option to choose the Table view.


Interact with cards

You can click on the Card Name to open the card or the pencil to just change the card name. Clicking on the Due Date, list, members and labels would allow you to change them directly from the Table view.


You can Drag and Drop cards on single board table when no filters or sorting is applied. You will see drag handles appear on hover in a left-most column before the name cell.

A dragged card will change lists if the card above where it’s being dragged is in a different list (unless it’s being dragged to the start of the list where it is being dragged from).

Add new cards

You can add new cards directly from the Table view. You will need to move the cursor in between the cards to see the '+' button. You can then click to add a new card, you can choose the List you want the card to be on, the Title, and the due date for the card. The new card will show up at the bottom of the Table.


Frequently asked questions

Who can use Table view? Members of Premium and Enterprise workspaces, including Guests. Make sure your board is in a Premium Workspace: Moving a board to a different workspace

How do I exit the Table view and return to the normal board view? Open the Views Switcher in the top left corner of the board, and select "Board". 

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