• Documentation

Share a link to a board, card, comment, or action

You can easily obtain and share a link to a board, card, comment, or action in Trello. If you are linking to a private item then the person you are sharing the link with must be a member of that board in order to open the link. Links to Workspace visible items can be opened by members of your Workspace but one will still have to be a member of the board to collaborate on the linked item. A link to a public item on a public board can be opened by anyone that has been given the link.

Linking to boards

To obtain a link for your Trello board, open the board's menu, then click on “Print, export and Share”, and copy the link to your board.


Link to a board from the board's menu.

Linking to cards 

To obtain a link to a card on your board, open the card, click "Share" from the lower right-hand corner of the card back and copy the link to your card.


Link to a card from the card's back.

Linking to card comments

To get a link to a specific comment, right-click the timestamp link under the comment on the card back and select your browsers "Copy Link" option. 


Linking to card actions

You can also get a link to other actions on a card, like for example a card attachment. To obtain a link to a specific action, right-click the timestamp link under the action on the card back and select your browsers "Copy Link" option.


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