• Documentation

Set the visibility of a Workspace


Workspace admins can change a Workspace's visibility with the Workspace Settings page. To begin, go to your Workspace and select the Settings dropdown option from within the sidebar. Click on Workspace settings and look for Workspace visibility. In this section, select Change. You’ll be prompted to select the visibility of your Workspace. The options are Private (always the default) or Public.

Private Workspaces

Private Workspaces will not show up on your profile, or on search results, when other users look for it. If your boards have sensitive information, you may want to set this Workspace as private so that only its members can collaborate with its contents and boards.

Public Workspaces

Public Workspaces are open to everyone. In order for a Workspace to be Public, a Workspace admin must enable this selection. This Workspace will be found in search engines such as google.com. Everyone will be able to view the members of this Workspace, and its list of public boards.

NOTE: Although the Workspace is considered public, boards that are set as private in the Workspace won’t be visible to external users. 

Workspace setting

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