• Documentation

Revoke a Trello token

Third-party applications can be granted access to your Trello account via an authorization flow. When you grant access, Trello gives the third-party developer a token that can be used to make requests to Trello on your behalf.

Occasionally, you may need to revoke that token's access to your account. Follow the steps below to revoke a token:

1. Visit your account settings page: You can quickly navigate your account settings page by logging into Trello and visiting: https://trello.com/my/account. You can also get to your account settings page by clicking on your avatar in the Trello app and selecting "Settings" from the dropdown menu.

2. Scroll down to Applications section: The Applications section contains a list of all applications you've granted access to. The listing for each application includes its name, when you granted access, the level of access that was granted, and when the grant expires.


3. Click Revoke button: Finally, to revoke access to the token, you can click on the Revoke button.

Enterprise tokens

With Trello Enterprise, the Enterprise admin can use the Enterprise admin Dashboard to see tokens generated by managed Enterprise members, as well as Trello mobile app session tokens. Admins can filter by Power-Up and mobile session token type and delete the API tokens to remove authorization to the integration. Admins can also choose to restrict managed members from creating new API tokens. If this option is used by Enterprise admin, users who try to authorize an available third-party integration will see an error message with a '400' code and a message to contact their Enterprise admin for authorization. When a mobile session token is deleted by an admin, the user will be logged out of Trello on mobile. If the admin selects to restrict managed members from creating new API tokens, active managed users can still create mobile session tokens and log back into the app. 

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