• Documentation

Requested scopes for the Slack app

For more details on the Slack app, see our main article:  The Trello app for Slack

The Trello app for Slack and the Slack Power-Up requests the minimal set of scopes required to operate properly. They are listed below alongside explanations.

Bot token scopes

  • channels:history - for responding to the user when the Trello bot is mentioned in a public channel 

  • channels:read - for checking whether the Trello bot is still in the channel 

  • chat:write - for posting a Trello card into Slack

  • chat:write.public - for posting a Trello card into Slack 

  • commands - for /trello command 

  • dnd:read - for making sure not to send prompts or messages to users during their do not disturb time

  • groups:history - for responding to the user when the Trello bot is mentioned in a private channel

  • groups:read - for checking whether the Trello bot is still in the channel

  • im:history - for responding to the user in a DM with the Trello bot

  • im:write - for starting a DM between the user and Trello bot

  • links:read - for posting rich previews when the user shares Trello links

  • links:write - for posting rich previews when the user shares Trello links

  • mpim:history - for responding to the user when the Trello bot is mentioned in a group DM

  • team:read - for getting team information like Slack domain for displaying linked Slack workspaces in Trello

  • users:read - for getting the user’s timezone and for searching users to send them a Trello card into Slack

  • users:read.email - for getting the user’s email address

User token Scopes

  • channels:history - for displaying a snippet of a conversation from the archives of a channel in Trello

  • channels:read - for allowing the user to associate a Trello board to a Slack channel

  • channels:write - for automatically inviting the Trello bot to the channel when the user creates an alert for a public channel

  • chat:write - for posting a Trello card into Slack 

  • emoji:read - for displaying a custom emoji when showing a snippet of a conversation on the back of a Trello card

  • files:read - for accessing files while using "Create card" message action to upload message attachments to Trello

  • groups:history - for displaying a snippet of a conversation from the archives of a private channel in Trello

  • groups:read - for allowing the user to associate a Trello board to a private channel

  • groups:write - for automatically inviting the Trello bot to the channel when the user creates an alert for a private channel

  • links:read - for posting rich previews when the user shares a Trello link

  • links:write - for posting rich previews when the user shares a Trello link

  • reminders:read - for setting reminders about a card within Trello

  • reminders:write - for setting reminders about a card within Trello

  • search:read - for allowing users to search for a conversation in Trello to attach to a card

  • stars:read - for getting starred messages and then sorting search results

  • team:read - for getting team information like Slack domain for displaying linked Slack workspaces in Trello

  • users:read - for getting the user’s timezone and for searching users to send them a Trello card into Slack

  • users:read.email - for getting the user’s email address

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