• Documentation

Public data vs. private data in Trello

The official Trello privacy policy is available at http://www.trello.com/privacy.

Public Data vs Private Data in Trello

We don't want you to get a surprise that you've shared something you intended to keep private. You have full control over the visibility of your data, and all defaults favor privacy.

You have the ability to make boards and Workspaces private, in which case only added members will be able to view the board or Workspace. Actions on private boards and Workspaces will not show up in profiles. Private Workspaces and boards are not visible in search.

Your member profile is public. That includes your full name, username, and bio, not your email. (If you set your full name to be your email, people will see that.) Your Profile page indicates each item's visibility status, as either Always Public or Always Hidden. Your avatar will be public to the internet, but you always have the option to remove the photo in favor of initials only.

Atlassian Accounts have additional Privacy options available, linked on your Profile page.

Other users will only see actions on your public boards (unless they are part of one of your private boards or Workspaces). Boards pages will list only public boards and Workspaces.

See also Security, Backup, & Data.

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