Set the timezone used for your automations

Automation automatically detects your computer's time zone and sets it as the default for your account. 

It is important that you have a correctly set time zone so that your Calendar automations run at the correct time and due dates and other dates are set properly in your cards.

Update your default time zone

If your computer's time zone differs from the default one (in case you travel to a different time zone or change your computer’s time zone settings), Automation will ask you to update the time zone for your account. 

Warning message about timezone settings being out of sync.

You may want to change your time zone if you are moving permanently to a new area, or if the default time zone was not correct because you used Automation while traveling. 

Note: If you update your time zone, all your Calendar automations will be rescheduled and will run according to the new time zone.

You may not want to update your default time zone if you are traveling and don't want your automations to run using the new time zone.

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