• Documentation

Add, delete, and manage checklists

A checklist is a tool for tracking a list of items within a card. Each item in a checklist can be checked to mark it as complete.

Add a checklist

To add a checklist to a card:

  1. Open the card and select the Checklist button

  2. Enter a title and click Add

You can also copy the items from another checklist on your board before adding a new checklist. When adding a checklist, choose an existing checklist from the Copy items from dropdown before adding the checklist to the card.

Add items to a checklist

To add items to a checklist:

  1. Select the Add an item button below any checklist

  2. Type the name for the item

  3. Press enter or select Add to save the item to the checklist

You can paste multiple items into a checklist at once as long as each copied item is on a separate line:

  1. Copy a column of items from a text file or spreadsheet

  2. Paste them into the Add item field

  3. Press enter

A separate checklist item will be created for each item that is on its own line.

Add a due date or assign a person to a checklist item

In a Premium Workspace, you can assign a person and a due date to a checklist items with advanced checklists. More about advanced checklists

Rearrange items in a checklist

Checklist items can be rearranged by dragging them to a different position in the checklist, or to another checklist in the same card.

Delete a checklist or checklist item

To delete a checklist:

  1. Select Delete next to the checklist you want to delete

  2. Select Delete checklist

To delete a checklist item:

  1. Select the Item actions (…) icon next to the checklist item you want to delete

  2. Select Delete

Deleting a checklist or checklist item is permanent. There is no way to recover a deleted checklist or checklist item.

Hide checked items

To mark a checklist item as complete, check the checkbox next to the item. To hide or show checked items in a checklist, toggle the Hide checked items button.

Checklist progress

You can view the total number of checklist items on the front of a card. When all of a card’s checklist items are complete, the number will turn green.

On the back of the card, you’ll find a progress bar showing what percentage of that checklist’s items are checked. When all checklist items are complete, the bar will turn green.

Convert a checklist item into a card

Sometimes a checklist item needs a description, attachments, labels, and other features that cards offer. You can convert a checklist item into a card in the Item actions menu:

  1. Hover over or select the checklist item

  2. Select the Item actions () menu

  3. Select Conver to card

The checklist item will be removed from the card, and a new card will be created below it. In the new card:

  • The checklist item name becomes the card title

  • Due date and assignee are added to the new card

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