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Open Beta: Multiple sandboxes FAQs

We’ve gathered the most common questions you might have in regards to the open Beta for multiple sandboxes.

Participating in open Beta

We’re enabling multiple sandboxes by default for every Enterprise plan. This means that once enabled, you can:

  • Create different sandboxes for a single site

  • Have a limit of 10 sandboxes per Enterprise plan for your entire organization

Opting out of open Beta

If the new rules don’t work for you, you can choose to opt out by contacting our Support team. If you do opt out, your Enterprise plan will revert to previous rules:

  • You can create a single sandbox for every product instance

Sandbox limits

We limit the number of sandboxes to 10 per Enterprise plan for your entire organization, for example:

  • Jira Enterprise: 10 sandboxes in total

  • Jira Service Management Enterprise: 10 sandboxes in total

  • Confluence Enterprise: 10 sandboxes in total

You can spread these sandboxes across one or more production sites, in different combinations. Note, however, that a single production site has an additional limit of 10 corresponding sandbox sites.

More about sandbox limits

Upgrading your plan to Enterprise

If you’d like to upgrade any of your plans to Enterprise to use multiple sandboxes, please contact our Support team first.

Effect on existing sandboxes

Your existing sandboxes won’t be affected.

However, if your total number of sandboxes per Enterprise plan is above the limit of 10 sandboxes:

  • 20 or fewer sandboxes: Your sandboxes will remain unaffected, and you will enter a grace period during which your total limit will be set at 20 sandboxes. Prior to the conclusion of this grace period, you will receive advanced notice along with additional details.

  • More than 20 sandboxes: We won’t enable multiple sandboxes Beta for you. If you’d like to use multiple sandboxes, you need to reduce the number of sandboxes to 20 or fewer, and then reach out to our Support team.

Naming and URL conventions

When you create a new sandbox site, you specify a URL that will be used by the site and all of its sandboxes, for example dev-atlassian.net. You can choose any available name, with the suffix atlassian.net.

Sandboxes inside a sandbox site are differentiated by a context path, for example:

  • Jira: https://dev-atlassian.com/jira

  • Jira Service Management: https://dev-atlassian.com/servicedesk

  • Confluence: https://dev-atlassian.com/wiki

Jira ファミリーとサンドボックス

You can no longer create sandboxes for Jira products on Free or Standard plans. Previously, this was possible if you already had a sandbox site with a Jira product on a Premium or Enterprise plans.

If you created such sandboxes in the past:

  • You won’t be able to restore offline sandboxes. They will be deleted after 30 days.

  • Active sandboxes won’t be affected for now, but we’ll eventually deprecate them as we go towards the general availability release.

More about Jira family and sandboxes

Marketplace apps in multiple sandboxes

You can add Marketplace apps to each sandbox for free, as long as they have a paid subscription on the production instance. This works in the same way as previously.



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