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Can I change the URL used to access a product?

There are a number of reasons why you may want to change the URL used to access Atlassian products. To make it easier for your team to identify which product instance to use for particular tasks, as a result of a merger or acquisition, or you may want to fully brand your product with your company’s domain.

There are two ways you can change the URL used to access a product:

  • Change the product URL subdomain.

  • Create a custom domain.

Change the product URL subdomain

This is the simplest option. The subdomain is the part of the URL before atlassian.net.

For example, if Acme Corp was acquired by Springfield Limited, you could change the subdomain to reflect the new company name.

acme.atlassian.net is changed to acme-support.atlassian.net

To change the product URL subdomain you must be an organization admin.


There are some limitations to be aware of:

  • You must have at least one Jira or Confluence product with a Standard, Premium, or Enterprise plan in that site.

  • You can’t change to a URL that is already in use or was used previously. Because we redirect the old URL, it won’t be available for another site. You’ll need to choose a new, unique URL.

  • You can’t change a product URL more than 3 times.

  • The change applies to all products in that site. You can’t change the URL for individual products within the same site.

In the example below, you can’t change the product URL for acme-partners because that site has been changed too many times. You can change the product URL for acme-support because it has not been changed previously.

Screenshot showing a free plan you can't update, and a site with higher plans where you can update the product url

Learn how to change the Product URL

Use a custom domain

This feature is only available to participants of our Early Access Program. You’re able to add custom domains for Jira products and Confluence throughout the EAP. Custom domains for Jira Service Management Agent Portal are generally available.

In the meantime you can still change the subdomain of your product URL. Learn how to update a product URL to a new Atlassian URL

If you want to fully brand your product, you can use a domain your company owns. For example, Acme Corp could access their products from the acme.com domain.

acme.atlassian.net is changed to internal.support.acme.com

To add a custom domain you must:

  • be an organization admin

  • be able to add records to your DNS provider

  • have a paid plan for the product you want to change.


There are some limitations you need to be aware of:

  • You can only add a custom domain for Jira products, including Jira Service Management help center, and Confluence.

  • The feature is in EAP for Jira products (Jira Software, Jira Work Management, Jira Service Management, Jira Product Discovery) and Confluence, which may not be available to your organization yet. This does not include the help center view for Jira Service Management, which is generally available

  • Apps and integrations that impact the product may be affected by the change

  • The fully qualified domain name must be unique. It can’t be already in use and must be public-facing

  • While you can use your own domain, the fully qualified domain name will need to conform to the following pattern <lv2_subdomain>.<lv1_subdomain>.<company_name.top_lv_domain>

  • While creating Applinks, use the default URLs of the tenant instead of the Custom Domain URL

  • Custom domains from one tenant will not be rendered as a smart link in another tenant

Learn how to add a custom domain


When you request a custom domain we create an SSL certificate for that domain name, and for the redirect URL if you added one.

  • We require a unique SSL certificate for each fully qualified domain name.

  • We create the certificate using AWS services. The Certificate Authority (CA) is amazon.com.

  • You can’t bring your own certificate at this time.

  • You won’t be able to create or use the custom domain if we detect a valid certificate that was not issued by Atlassian. This includes certificates that use a wildcard or have been revoked. Learn how browsers handle revoked certificates

Impact on email

Adding a custom domain won’t affect the email address used by the product to send or receive emails. Whether you can change the email domain used by a product depends on the product:

Which approach is right for you?

We’ve summarised the main differences in the table below, to help you decide.

Product URL

Custom domain



Compatible with all apps and integrations.

May not work with all apps or integrations yet.

Can be changed by the Organization admin.

Can be requested by the Organization admin.

Does not require you to make any manual DNS changes.

Requires you to add several records to your DNS to confirm ownership.

You can only change the subdomain, you can’t change atlassian.net domain.

You can use your own domain, but your fully qualified domain name needs to conform to a specific pattern.

Can only be changed a maximum of 3 times, and you can’t reuse previous URLs.

No limit to the number of changes, or to reusing previous fully qualified domain names.

Generally available for Confluence, Jira Software, Jira Service Management in any organization.

Only available for Jira products and Confluence at this time.

Quick to set up, and the new URL is available to use almost immediately.

Takes some time to set up, and for the DNS to propagate.


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