Connect Google Drive to Rovo

Get insights and answers from docs and integrate your files into a unified search.

This connector is only supported in Rovo Search. We're actively working on supporting this connector in Rovo Chat and Agents.

Before you begin

  • You need Google administrator permissions to connect a Google Workspace to Rovo.

  • Only Docs, Sheets, and Slides are available to Rovo.

  • We encourage you to review your permissions in Google Drive. Your teammates will be able to find files using Rovo Search that are set in the Share options in Google Drive as Can find in search results.

    • Other documents (including private documents) are searchable by the owner, but not other users.

Screenshot of Google Drive's sharing dialogue, with 'Can find in search results' ticked


Connecting to Google Drive

To get to the setup screen for Google Drive:

  1. Go to Atlassian Administration. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Settings > Rovo.

  3. Under the Sites tab, next to the site you want to connect, select More actions (•••) and select Add connector.

  4. Select Google Drive and press Next.

Next, to configure Google Drive:

  1. Log in to your Google Admin Console, navigate to Menu > Security > Access and data control > API controls > Manage Domain Wide Delegation.

  2. Select Add new.

  3. Copy the client ID from the Atlassian Administration Google Drive setup screen and paste it into the Client ID field in your Google Admin Console.

  4. Copy the OAuth scope URL from the Atlassian Administration Google Drive setup screen and paste it into the OAuth scopes (comma-delimited) field in your Google Admin Console.

  5. In your Google Admin Console, select Authorize.

Next, go back to Atlassian Administration:

  1. Enter a nickname for your Google Drive connection.

  2. Enter the email address for the Google workspace administrator.

  3. Review and agree to the data usage information.

  4. Select Confirm.

Next steps

After you’ve finished Connecting Google Drive:

  1. Files will start to show in Search incrementally over the next few hours.

  2. Your team members will see Google Drive show up as a filter option in Search. If they haven’t connected to Google Drive from their Atlassian account, they may be asked to connect before they can see results. This is required so Rovo can make sure your teammates only see results they usually have access to.

  3. Depending on the number of files in Google Drive, it may take some time for all your Google Drive content to be indexed and appear in Search.

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