Copy customers with mismatched account types

When you copy customers from one instance of your Jira to another, it’s possible that some of your customers' email addresses are associated with different account types in those instances. Learn more about different customer account types

If you have customers whose account types differ between the instances, copying these customers could result in customers losing permission or being unable to access existing requests on the destination instance of Jira. This article explains the behavior and the actions you’ll need to take to avoid the issues that are related to mismatched account types for customers.

Possible behavior for customer account movement

Customer email

Account type on source

User with the same email address exists on the destination

Account type on destination

Account type (after copying)

Recommended action after copying



Atlassian account

Atlassian account

Review group to assign Customer role

Atlassian account



Portal-only and Atlassian account

Upgrade portal-only account to Atlassian account

Review group to assign customer role

When portal-only customers from one instance of Jira to another where the same email addresses already exist as Atlassian accounts, we’ll aggregate the affected accounts into a new user group on the destination instance of Jira. Without the Customer role being assigned to the group, members of the group won’t have access to the Jira Service Management projects on the destination instance that they had access to on the source.

To review and assign the Customer role to the group of customers moved from the source instance of Jira:

  1. From the View details page, download the report.

  2. Open the RequiresAttention.CSV.

  3. Take note of the group name under the Next step column.

  4. From your destination instance of Jira, navigate to

  5. Under User management, select review now from the banner for imported groups.

  6. Select Review for the group you’ve noted.

  7. Select Approve to assign the Customer role for Jira Service Management.

Upgrade portal-only customers to Atlassian accounts

When customers with Atlassian accounts from the source are copied to the destination where the same email addresses already exist as portal-only accounts, duplicate accounts will exist on the destination: the same email addresses are applied to both portal-only and Atlassian accounts. The affected customers won’t have access to the requests that they previously raised in the Jira Service Management projects on the destination instance of Jira. To avoid identity conflict, we recommend that you only maintain one account type for your customers by upgrading portal-only customers to Atlassian accounts.

To resolve the conflict of account types for the affected customers on the source:

  1. From the View details page, download the report.

  2. Open the RequiresAttention.CSV.

  3. Take note of the customers' email addresses under the Problem column: Found duplicate accounts on destination.

  4. From your destination instance of Jira, navigate to

  5. For each of your affected customers, copy their portal-only accounts to Atlassian accounts.

Learn more about migrating portal-only customers to Atlassian accounts

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