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Review product requests

This feature is available for Jira, Jira Service Management, and Confluence with an Enterprise plan.

You can find the product requests that your users created from Security > Product requests at admin.atlassian.com.

When reviewing a product request, we recommend that you contact the user to find out more about their request. As you work through the request, you can update its status according to where you are in your process.

When a user first makes a request, it appears in your product requests list with a Needs review status. When you start reviewing the request, you can update the status to Under review so that other admins at your company know that someone is looking at it. When you’re done reviewing, you can update its status to Resolved. You can also update its status to Denied at any time.

The workflow for product requests statuses, starting with needs review and moving to under review, denied, and resolved.

Contact the requestor of a product

In each product request, the user includes details about why they’re creating the request. Based on the request details, there are a few reasons that you may want to contact the user:

  • To learn more about their use case for why they need a new product.

  • To let them know that there’s already an instance of the product that will meet their needs.

  • To let them know that you will or have started the product they requested.

To contact the user who created the product request:

  1. Go to admin.atlassian.com. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Security > Product requests.

  3. Find the product request, and select Review request.

  4. From the product request, select Contact user to open an email client with the user’s email address in the To field.

  5. Send the user an email with further questions or information.

After you contact the user, their product request will remain in your list in case you need to refer to it again.

Resolve a product request

Because each request may have a different outcome, we don’t automatically create the requested product when you update the request’s status to RESOLVED. After working with the user to get them access to the products they need, you can update the request’s status.

After working with the user to come to a resolution around their request, you can update the request’s status. Resolving a request doesn’t automatically create a product instance automatically.

To resolve the product request:

  1. Go to admin.atlassian.com. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Security > Product requests.

  3. Find the product request, and select Review request.

  4. From the product request, select Mark as resolved.

We don’t inform the user that you updated the status of their product request. If you’d like to keep them informed, you can send them an email using the Contact user button.

Deny a product request

If you decide to reject the product request and determine that you don’t need to contact the user, you can deny the request.

To deny the product request:

  1. Go to admin.atlassian.com. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Security > Product requests.

  3. Find the product request, and select Review request in that row.

  4. From the product request, select Deny.

We send the user an email letting them know that you denied their request. The request status updates to Denied and moves to the bottom of the table. You can still open the request to see its details and find the user’s email address.

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