Monitor your Enterprise user counts

The user count is the total number of users who have access to at least one product under an Enterprise plan, or have been invited to at least one product under the Enterprise plan, but haven’t accepted yet.

Monitor the user count to know how many users you can still add, whether you’re nearing your user tier limit, or if you've exceeded your user tier limit.

Who can do this?
Role: Organization admin
Atlassian Cloud: Enterprise plans
Atlassian Government Cloud: Not available

View your user counts

To view the user counts for your Enterprise plans:

  1. Go to Atlassian Administration. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Products > User counts.

  3. Select View to see the user counts for each individual product instance in the selected Enterprise plan.

When you select View for a product in your Enterprise plan, you can see the number of unique users in each of the past 12 months, as well as the change in the number of users from one month to the next.

The unique user count shows the closing balance as at the end of each month.

Receive email notifications

You'll receive an email notifying you when your user count reaches 80% of the user tier for that product, and then again once every 30 days.

To opt out of email notifications:

  1. Go to Atlassian Administration. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Products > User counts.

  3. Select View for the product you want notifications for.

  4. Select Report Settings.

  5. Remove selection from Notify me when I reach 80% of my user tier limit.

Exceeding the user tier limit

If your user count exceeds your user tier limit, you need to upgrade your user tier or lower your user count. Lowering your user count means decreasing the number of users who are granted access to at least one instance of that product type.

To lower your user count:

  1. Go to Atlassian Administration. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Products > User counts.

  3. Select View for the product you want to lower user count for.

  4. Select Products.

  5. Select Manage users for the product instance you want to lower user count for.

  6. Use the Export feature to identify the inactive users, and then manually revoke their access one by one on this page.

If you reach your user tier limit, we’ll also send you an email letting you know.

To upgrade your user tier, reach out to your customer advocate or contact sales.

Export your users

To find out who is included in your user count for all product instances in your Enterprise plan, export the users.

To export your users:

  1. Go to Atlassian Administration. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Products > User counts.

  3. Select View to see the user counts for each individual product instance in the selected Enterprise plan.

  4. Select Export.

Your users are exported in a CSV file. The export file includes the users' information, including when they were last seen in each product instance.

When the file is ready to download, we’ll send you an email with a link to download the file. Only admins can access the link, and it expires in 24 hour.

How user counts differ from billing metrics

User counts can be used to infer future bills and help in capacity planning, but there are not billing metrics. User counts reflect the near real-time number of users, while billing is retroactively calculated over a certain period of time in the past, at an annual cadence. Billing uses the user counts as well as various non-billable exemptions, discounts, or any other contractual exceptions. Learn how Enterprise plans work

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