Navigate Administration in an Atlassian Government environment

You can find the Administration in an Atlassian Government environment at This is where you administer your organization, products, and users.


When you go to, we prompt you to select an organization if you have more than one. You must be an organization admin to have access.

From the Overview page of your organization, you’ll see navigation tabs at the top of your screen.

Screenshot of the overview page of Atlassian Administration with annotations to call out the top-level navigation


The Directory (1) is where you manage your users' product access, their employee accounts, and your Groups. When you verify ownership of your company's domains, your users become managed accounts and you can edit their details and control how they log in.

アトラシアンの管理の [ディレクトリ] ページ。[ディレクトリ] はメイン ナビゲーションの 2 番目の項目です。


Every product has its own set of administration settings that product admins manage. The Products (2) tab is where you find product-specific settings that you manage from your organization. For example, you can edit your product URLs and review changes that are releasing to your products.

アトラシアンの管理の [製品] ページ。[製品] はメイン ナビゲーションの 3 番目の項目です。


The Security (3) tab is where you manage all your security, compliance, and authentication settings. Authentication policies specify how you want your users to securely log in to your products, and product-specific settings allow you to restrict access to users from certain IP addresses.

アトラシアンの管理の [セキュリティ] ページ。[セキュリティ] はメイン ナビゲーションの 4 番目の項目です。


The Settings (4) tab is where you find settings specific to your organization. Only organization admins can update these settings.

アトラシアンの管理の [設定] ページ。[設定] はメイン ナビゲーションの 6 番目の項目です。



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