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Restore product data from backup

Backup and restore is available through an early access program (EAP) to a limited number of customers.

If you're interested in learning about the future backup and restore releases, reach out to your account representative.

Perform a restore whenever you need to recover lost or damaged data in Jira or Confluence. You can restore backups from Atlassian's storage, provided they were taken within the last 14 days. Alternatively, you can restore downloaded backups from your local storage if the backups were taken within the past 60 days. Learn how create a backup policy and run backups

You can restore a backup once every 7 days. Learn more about restore limitations

Restore your data

Restore either from the Restore tab or from the Backup details. Learn what product data is included in the restore

Restore from Restore tab

To restore your product data:

  1. Go to admin.atlassian.com. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Settings > Data management.

  3. Select Backup and restore.

  4. Select the Restore tab.

  5. Select the product you want to restore, then select Next.

  6. Select the specific backup you want to restore from the list of available backups for the product. If no backups are available, create a backup policy and run a backup.

  7. If the backup is available in Atlassian storage, select Proceed to restore. Otherwise, if you have the backup downloaded in your local storage:

    1. Select Proceed to upload.

    2. Upload your backup file. The file needs to be identical to the file you’ve downloaded. Make sure you stay on the page while the file uploads, and that the system doesn't go into sleep mode while the file is uploading. This can take a while, longer if the file is large.

    3. Once the upload is complete, select Next. The upload is added to the Restore table, where you can choose to continue to restore later.

  8. Review your backup. If the backup includes attachments, choose whether you want to restore the attachments, then select Next.

  9. Select where to restore the product data to, then select Next. The destination can't have backup or restore operation already in progress. For Jira, the destination has to be empty. For Confluence, the destination doesn’t have to be empty, but spaces matching the spaces in the backup are skipped.

  10. Review the data to restore, then select Restore. Once the restore starts running, it’s added to the Restore table.

Restore from Backup details

To restore your product data:

  1. Go to admin.atlassian.com. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Settings > Data management.

  3. Select Backup and restore.

  4. In the Backup policy table, find the product you want to restore. Select View details.

  5. The recent backups for the policy are listed. We recommend you restore only COMPLETE backups, although INCOMPLETE backups can also be restored. Select the specific backup you want to restore to see the Backup details.

  6. If the backup can be restored, select Restore.

  7. Review your backup. If the backup includes attachments, choose whether you want to restore the attachments, then select Next.

  8. Select where to restore the product data to, then select Next. The destination can't have backup or restore operation already in progress. For Jira, the destination has to be empty. For Confluence, the destination doesn’t have to be empty, but spaces matching the spaces in the backup are skipped.

  9. Review the data to restore, then select Restore. Once the restore starts running, it’s added to the Restore table.

View restore status and details

To see the if your restore has completed, as well as the restore details:

  1. Go to admin.atlassian.com. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Settings > Data management.

  3. Select Backup and restore.

  4. Select the Restore tab.

Restore statuses

Each restore has one of the following statuses:

  • IN PROGRESS - the restore is still in progress

  • COMPLETE - the restore has finished running, and is complete

  • INCOMPLETE - the restore has finished running, and is missing some attachments in the case of any Jira products, or missing some spaces in the case of Confluence

  • FAILED - the restore failed

  • UPLOAD VALIDATING - the uploaded backup file has uploaded successfully, and its data is being validated

  • UPLOAD SUCCESS - the uploaded backup file has uploaded successfully, and has been validated

  • UPLOAD FAILED - the uploaded backup file has uploaded successfully, but is invalid

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