• Documentation

Add and remove apps from products in your Enterprise plan

While an Enterprise plan allows you to have up to 150 instances of a product at no additional cost, Marketplace apps are not included in your plan. Apps are purchased for each instance individually and based on the user tier for that instance. How to estimate app costs

Who can do this?
Role: Organization admin
Atlassian Cloud: Enterprise plans
Atlassian Government Cloud: Not available

Add an app

Because Enterprise plans are more complex than other plans, you’ll need to contact us so we can make sure your new app subscription matches your Enterprise plan term and user tier for the product instance.

To add an app:

  1. Go to admin.atlassian.com. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Products.

  3. For the product instance you want to add the app to, select More actions () > Manage Apps.

  4. Select Find new apps and search for the app you want to add.

  5. Select Try it free.

  6. Contact us at sales-ops-support@atlassian.com to get a quote and finalize the purchase.

When you contact us, remember to include:

  • Name of the app.

  • Site URL for the product instance you want to add it to.

  • The number of users with access to that instance. The user tier for the app subscription must match the user count for the instance it will be added to.

Remove an app

If you no longer need an app, you can cancel your subscription. The process is the same as for canceling your subscription for a product instance. How to cancel a subscription

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