Before you start copying product data

We've made some changes to the Copy product data feature:


When you add teams or reorganize your existing teams, you may need to move your data from one instance of your Jira or Confluence Cloud to another. You can move users, projects, spaces, and related data within or across organizations. Learn more about Atlassian organizations

Before you start copying data, here are some of the things you should know.

Understand what source and destination means

You can copy data from one instance of Jira or Confluence, known as the source, to another instance, known as the destination. The destination can be a new instance or an instance with existing data.

Check your permissions

You need to be an organization admin and a product admin to copy data between instances of your product within that organization. To copy data to a different organization, you must be an organization admin and a product admin for both organizations. Learn more about admin permissions

Add your products and apps to your destination

Before you start copying data, make sure your source and destination has the same products and apps. Apps are Marketplace apps or apps you’ve built and installed.

We don’t migrate app data yet. However, to avoid loss of data and to accurately link your data, you need to have the same apps on both source and destination.

To migrate app data, you’ll need to contact the respective Marketplace Partner.

Copy data from sandboxes to your production instances

We don’t recommend copying data from sandboxes to your production instances using the Copy product data feature. When you copy data from a production instance to a sandbox, we copy configurations such as custom fields. When you copy data back from the sandbox to the production instance using the Copy product data feature, we create duplicate configurations.

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