What product data is copied
Copy Jira or Confluence data from one instance of your cloud product to another without overwriting any existing data. You can copy data to a new or an existing site within the same organization or in a different organization.
✅ Data that can be copied
❌ Data that can’t be copied
What Jira data is copied and what isn’t
User and groups |
✅ Users and groups from active directories including Jira Service Management agents |
✅ Portal-only customer accounts and Atlassian accounts with Customer role assigned |
✅ Customer organizations related to selected Jira Service Management projects |
❌ Customer organizations that are not related to selected Jira Service Management projects |
Project types |
✅ Company-managed projects |
Jira software and business projects that are team-managed: ✅ Any related: Issues, Entities, Configurations ✅ Any project references within company-managed projects |
✅ Archived projects |
✅ Jira Service Management team-managed projects |
Project data |
Workflow functions: ✅ Validator: Permission, Required field, Field changed ✅ Condition ✅ Post function ✅ Assign to current user, Assign to reporter, Assign to lead ✅ Links to Jira issues, Confluence pages, and Web pages. |
✅ Project avatars |
✅ Custom issue type icons |
❌ Custom field language translations |
Workflow functions: ❌ Condition: Subtask blocking, InAnyProjectRoleCondition, UserInAnyGroupCondition ❌ Post function: Clear field value, Copy value from other field, Delegating, Update issue custom field |
❌ Notification schemes (Supported for team-managed projects only. For company-managed projects, projects added to the default schemes in cloud) |
❌ Automation rules (including project-level automation rules). More about import and export Jira automation rules |
❌ Mail handlers |
❌ Remote link histories |
Jira project data |
✅ Project details: |
✅ Project roles |
✅ Issue types |
✅ Issue type scheme |
✅ Workflow scheme |
✅ Field configuration scheme |
✅ Workflows (links to the migrated workflow scheme with status and transitions) |
✅ Screens |
✅ Screen schemes |
✅ Status category |
✅ Permission schemes |
✅ Issue security: |
✅ Issue rank |
✅ Epics (epic link): |
✅ Original Estimate |
✅ Remaining Estimate |
✅ Flagged |
✅ Components |
✅ Environment |
✅ Sprints |
✅ Versions: |
❌ Workflows and permission schemes (that are not linked to any project won't be migrated) |
Jira Service Management project data |
✅ Queues |
✅ Request types |
✅ Request type groups |
✅ Customer organizations |
✅ Customer organization user association |
✅ SLA calendars |
✅ SLA Time Metric configuration |
✅ Approvals |
✅ Customer notifications |
✅ Reports |
✅ CSAT setting |
✅ CSAT comment |
✅ Portal settings |
✅ Language support |
✅ Features |
✅ Knowledge bases |
✅ Help center login message |
✅ Help center site-wide announcement |
✅ Customized look and feel for help center |
✅ Help center home page layout |
✅ Virtual service agent intents |
✅ Virtual service agent standard flows |
✅ Virtual service agent settings and channels |
❌ Virtual service agent conversations |
❌ Assets |
❌ Jira automation |
❌ Email settings |
❌ Services |
❌ On-call Schedule |
❌ Change calendar |
❌ Chat |
❌ Widget |
❌ External resources |
❌ Issue collector |
❌ Versions |
❌ People |
Issue data |
✅ Summary |
✅ Description |
✅ Issue type |
✅ Status |
✅ Priority |
✅ Resolution |
✅ Labels |
✅ Reporter |
✅ Assignee |
✅ Due date |
✅ Subtasks |
✅ Some custom fields: |
✅ @mentions |
✅ Watchers and votes |
✅ Issue links (including link types) |
✅ Attachments (media, files) |
✅ Comments |
✅ Comments with security |
✅ Story points |
✅ Time spent |
✅ Issue history |
✅ Issue work log |
❌ Some custom fields: |
Jira Software Boards |
✅ Boards linked to more than one project |
✅ Filters linked to more than one project |
✅ Filters not linked to any boards |
✅ Boards linked to one project only |
✅ Boards: |
✅ Advanced board settings: |
Entities and permissions |
✅ Remote links |
❌ Global permissions |
❌ General configuration (e.g., timezone, language) |
❌ Dashboards |
❌ Boards with non-existent/deleted filters won't be migrated |
❌ Confluence links (links in destination site will continue to link to source site) |
App |
❌ Apps and app data (to migrate app data, contact the respective Marketplace Partner) |
Plans in Jira |
❌ Scenarios |
❌ Unsaved changes from auto-schedule |
❌ Saved views |
What Confluence data is copied and what isn’t
✅ Data that can be copied
❌ Data that can’t be copied
Users and groups |
✅ Users and groups |
❌ Any permissions settings (space or page) associated with groups will be lost during import unless a group with the same name already exists in the destination site. To maintain your groups' permissions settings, make sure all your groups have a corresponding group with the same name that already exists in the destination site before importing the space. An easy way to do this is to first import users and groups, then import any spaces. |
Space types (if selected) |
✅ Active spaces |
✅ Personal spaces |
✅ Archived spaces |
Confluence space data |
✅ Space details: |
✅ Sidebar settings |
✅ Content status settings |
✅ Space permissions |
✅ Look and feel: |
✅ Pages & blogs (including archived items and items in the trash) |
❌ Analytics data |
❌ Space shortcuts |
❌ Related pages settings |
❌ Whiteboards |
❌ Databases |
Page/blog data |
✅ Title |
✅ Content (including history) |
✅ Labels |
✅ Restrictions |
✅ Comments (including history) |
✅ Attachments (including history) |
✅ Likes |
✅ Page restrictions |
✅ Links are migrated, but some links in destination site will continue to link to source site |
✅ Default page statuses |
✅ Stock Unsplash images in headers |
✅ Watched pages |
❌ Analytics data |
❌ Reactions |
❌ Custom uploaded images in headers |
❌ Custom emojis (page and in title) |
❌ Public links (these will need to be newly generated) |
Entities and permissions |
Site level settings: ❌ Configuration: General configuration (e.g., timezone, language), Further configuration, Languages, Shortcut links, Global templates, and Code macro administration ❌ Security: Security configuration, Global permissions, and Default space permissions ❌ Look and Feel: Themes, Colour scheme, Site logo and favicon, Header and footer, and Default space logo ❌ Administration: Audit log, Application links, and Application navigator |
User profiles |
❌ User avatars (users will need to update their avatars after data copy) |
❌ Passwords (unless you've set up SSO, users will need to reset their passwords after data copy) |
Apps |
❌ Apps and app data stored with the vendor (to copy app data, contact the respective Marketplace Partner) |
❌ Team Calendars |
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