
Jira 管理者は、複数の Jira アプリケーション プロジェクトにわたってフィールド設定を管理できるよう、新しいフィールド設定スキームを追加できます。 


  1. Select > Issues.

  2. In the Fields section, select Field configuration schemes

  3. Select Add field configuration scheme

  4. このフィールド設定スキームをいつ適用するかが自分やチームに分かりやすくなるような名前と説明を入力します。 

  5. Select Add. You will now be able to associate issue types with the field configuration scheme. Check out Configuring a field configuration scheme for more information. 


  1. Select> Issues.

  2. In the Fields section, select Field configuration schemes

  3. Find the field configuration scheme and select Copy.

  4. 新しいフィールド設定スキームの名前と説明を入力します。 

  5. Select Copy to create a new field configuration scheme with the same field configurations and issue types. 


  1. Select> Issues.

  2. In the Fields section, select Field configuration schemes

  3. To edit the name and description of a field configuration scheme, select Edit.

  4. To delete a field configuration scheme, select Delete. Note that you will only be able to delete a scheme that is not associated with any projects.


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