
You can add users to a Bitbucket group through either Bitbucket or Jira Software Data Center. These groups are defined in a Bitbucket account (workspace). When you add users, they receive an email invitation to join Bitbucket and the account group. To join a group, users must already have their own individual Bitbucket accounts. Each invitation contains a link that takes a user to Bitbucket, where they finish joining by providing their account (or by creating an account if necessary).

When you add users through Bitbucket, you can supply a user's Bitbucket account name or their email. If you are using Jira Software Data Center, you have options for adding Jira Software Data Center users manually or automatically (by a public signup). These users receive invitations only from the Bitbucket accounts you've configured to send them. 


ユーザーの自動サインアップを設定する前に、ご使用の環境で Bitbucket にユーザーを追加するのに最適な方策を決定します。



All of my Jira Software users should belong to one or all of my Bitbucket Cloud groups.

Automatically invite new Jira Software users to a Bitbucket Cloud account's group when they become Jira Software users.

I add my users manually to my Jira Software Data Center instance.

Automatically invite new Jira Software users to a Bitbucket account's group. Optionally, change the Bitbucket groups for the user when you add them to Jira Software .

I've enabled automatic sign up on Jira Software but only a small set of Jira Softwareusers should be a member of this workspace.

新しいユーザーの自動招待を禁止します。Bitbucket からユーザーを手動でグループに追加します。

I've enabled automatic sign up on Jira Softwarebut some Jira Software users should belong to one Bitbucket group in a specific workspace and other users need to belong to another.


  1. 管理権限を持つユーザーとして Jira にログインします。

  2. Jira 管理領域でアプリケーション > DVCS アカウントに進みます。

  3. 設定するアカウントを見つけます。アカウントが見つからない場合は、Bitbucket Cloud アカウントをリンクをクリックして接続プロセスを開始します。

  4. その他のオプション メニューから [自動アクセスの設定] を選択します。

  5. Select the groups you want new Jira users assigned to, in the 'Configure automatic access' dialog.
    New Jira Software Data Center users will automatically be added to the groups you select, and will be invited to join Bitbucket. When the user joins, they have the group access to your project. 
    To prevent users from being invited to join groups, deselect those groups.

  6. 保存をクリックします。
