アクセス トークン

Access tokens are linked to a repository, project, or workspace. They can be used for scripting tasks and integrating tools (such as CI/CD tools) with Bitbucket Cloud. Access tokens are designed to be used for a single application with limited permissions, so they don't require two-step verification (2SV, also known as two-factor authentication or 2FA).

Access tokens are tied to a repository, project, or workspace (rather than a user) and should not be shared. By sharing an access token, you're giving direct, authenticated access to everything that token has permissions to do with the Bitbucket APIs (limited to the repository, project, or workspace it was created for).

Access token features

Access tokens have the following features:

  • API 呼び出しの認証に使用できます。

  • 作成対象のリポジトリ、プロジェクト、またはワークスペースに制限されたアクセスを提供します。

  • アクセス トークンの作成時に指定された、制限された権限 (スコープ) が保持されます。

  • 再利用できず、単一の目的のために使用されます。

  • アプリ パスワードはデータベース上で暗号化されており、いずれのユーザーも表示できません。

  • They can have an expiry date.

Access token limitations

Access tokens have the following limitations:

  • 作成対象のリポジトリ、プロジェクト、またはワークスペース以外にはアクセスできません。

  • ワークスペース アクションの管理には使用できません。

  • 作成後は表示も編集もできません。復旧や変更ではなく、新しいアクセス トークンで置き換えることを意図しています。

  • They will stop working when they are revoked.

  • http://bitbucket.org で Bitbucket にログインするためには使用できません。

Workspace, project, and repository access tokens

Access tokens can be created and used within a workspace, project, or repository in Bitbucket Cloud.

Premium plan customers

Workspace and project access tokens are only available to customers with a Premium Bitbucket Cloud account. For information on our Premium plan or upgrading your account, check out our plans and pricing page.

  • Access tokens for repositories — Provides access to a single repository with the permissions specified at the time of creation. An access token for a repository can be used for tasks such as managing a single repository or allowing a CI/CD tool to access the source code of a single repository in the workspace. For more information, including creation and usage, see Access tokens for a repository.

  • Access tokens for a project (Premium feature) — Provides access to a single project and the repositories in it. The access permissions (or scopes) are specified at the time of creation. Access tokens for a project can be used for tasks such as managing or accessing the repositories in a single project. For more information, including creation and usage, see Access tokens for a project.

  • Access tokens for a workspace (Premium feature) — Provides access to a single workspace and the repositories and projects in it. The access permissions (or scopes) are specified at the time of creation. Access tokens for a workspace can be used for tasks such as managing or accessing the repositories in a single workspace or managing the workspace. For information, including creation and usage, see Access tokens for a workspace.


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