Use SQL history for version control
To give you some peace of mind, Atlassian Analytics has a SQL history feature that acts as a version control system for your SQL mode queries. It keeps track of your draft queries and all executed SQL mode queries for the chart, so you can quickly and easily view, revert, or build on a previously executed query.
The SQL history entries are listed from most to least recent and go all the way back to the very first SQL query for the chart. Each entry shows the following details of that query version:
Execution timestamp: How long ago the query was run
Editor: The person who ran the query
State indicator: The status of the query
Green dot = successfully executed
Red dot = executed but failed
No dot = draft; query was not executed
Gray dot = saved draft
“Saved to dashboard” check mark: Only shows next to the most recent version that was saved to the dashboard
If you’re editing an auto-generated visual mode query, the initial query is not saved to the SQL history list until you manually execute the query in SQL mode.
The draft you’re actively editing (AKA the working version) is always the first entry in the SQL history list, and the timestamp always shows “Now”. If your working version differs from the most recently executed query, you haven’t executed it, and you save the chart to the dashboard, that draft is saved to the SQL history. Otherwise, drafts are not saved.
You can preview a previous version by hovering over its entry; the SQL in the editor will update with that version’s code. From there, you could either jump back to your working version to continue editing your existing query or click the previous version to start editing its SQL. Doing the latter creates a new working version, so your initial one is still recoverable.
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