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“Request management overview” dashboard template

This dashboard gives your team an overview of the metrics required to track the performance of multiple service desks. Track open requests, agent workload, adherence to SLAs, and customer satisfaction.

Requests created

The number of requests created in the selected date interval compared to the comparative date interval

You can filter this chart by the “Calendar” controls labeled “Current date interval” and “Comparative date interval”, project, request assignee account ID, and request type.

Requests resolved

The number of requests resolved in the selected date interval compared to the comparative date interval

You can filter this chart by the “Calendar” controls labeled “Current date interval” and “Comparative date interval”, project, request assignee account ID, and request type.

Average CSAT score

The average customer satisfaction rating for requests resolved in the selected date interval compared to the comparative date interval

You can filter this chart by the “Calendar” controls labeled “Current date interval” and “Comparative date interval”, project, request assignee account ID, and request type.

SLA breached

Shows the percentage of requests created in the selected date interval that breached SLA breached and the percent change compared to the percentage of requests created in the comparative date interval that breached SLA

SLA breached percentage is the number of requests with a breached SLA divided by the total number of requests.

You can filter this chart by the “Calendar” control labeled “Current date interval”, the “Dropdown” control named “SLA”, project, incident assignee ID, and affected services. Note that you can only filter by one SLA at a time.

Requests created vs resolved

The number of requests created during the selected date interval versus the number of requests resolved during the same date interval, grouped by week

You can filter this chart by the “Calendar” control labeled “Current date interval”, project, request assignee account ID, and request type.

Time to resolution

The average time (in hours) taken to resolve requests created during the selected date interval

The resolution dates are bucketed by week.

You can filter this chart by the “Calendar” control labeled “Current date interval”, project, request assignee account ID, and request type.

Open requests by type

The number of open requests created during the selected date interval, grouped by request type and limited to the top five most frequently occurring request types

You can filter this chart by the “Calendar” control labeled “Current date interval”, project, request assignee account ID, and request type.

Agent workload - Open requests by assignee

User data is not yet available, so only assignee account IDs are displayed.

Account IDs are trimmed to the last five characters.

A current snapshot of the number of open requests per assignee.

You can use the “Dropdown” control named “RANKING” to sort the chart as follows:

  • Top 10 shows the 10 agents with the most open requests

  • Bottom 10 shows the 10 agents with the fewest open requests

You can filter this chart by the “Calendar” control labeled “Current date interval”, project, request assignee account ID, and request type.

SLA met vs breached

The total number of SLAs met, the total number of SLAs breached, and the SLA breached percentage for each week in the selected date interval

You can filter this chart by the “Calendar” control labeled “Current date interval”, the “Dropdown” control named “SLA_1”, project, request assignee account ID, and request type. Note that you can only filter by one SLA at a time.

Average satisfaction rating over time

The average customer satisfaction rating for requests resolved during the selected date interval, bucketed by week

You can filter this chart by the “Calendar” control labeled “Current date interval”, project, request assignee account ID, and request type.

Request details

Shows the following details for each request that matches the filter criteria:

  • Issue key

  • Summary

  • Request type

  • Status

  • Assignee account ID

  • Created date

  • Hours to resolution

You can filter this chart by the “Calendar” control labeled “Current date interval”, project, change type, change risk, and affected services.

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