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Home page

When you open Atlassian Analytics, you’re directed to your workspace home page, where you can view all the dashboards that you have access to. You can navigate back to this page anytime by selecting Dashboards from the global navigation.

Dashboards home page with one dashboard in the card view

Filters for the dashboard list

There are several ways you can filter the dashboard list.

Filters for the dashboard list on the Analytics home page
  1. Filter by search

  2. Filter using predefined options:

    1. All dashboards: View all dashboards that you have access to

    2. Created by me: View all dashboards that you’ve created

    3. Starred: View all your starred dashboards

    4. Admin view: View all dashboards in the workspace; only available to Analytics admins

    5. Archived: View all archived dashboards

    6. Trash: View all dashboards that were deleted in the last 30 days

  3. Filter by category: The available categories will change depending on the other filters applied to the dashboard list.

Sort the dashboard list

By default, the dashboard list is sorted by the ones that you last viewed. Select Sort by last viewed to change the sort criteria for the dashboard list:

  • Last viewed: The last day you viewed the dashboard

  • Last viewed by anyone: The last day anyone in the workspace viewed the dashboard

  • Last edited: The last day you edited the dashboard

  • Last edited by anyone: The last day anyone in the workspace edited the dashboard

The "Sort by" dropdown for the dashboard list, and "Sort by last view" is selected

Dashboards list

The dashboard list shows all dashboards for the current filter selection. You can change the view to list view (default) or card view from the top-right corner. From either view, you can do the following for individual dashboards:

  • Select the Star () to add it to your starred dashboards

  • Select an action from More actions (). The available actions depend on your level of product access.

List view

If you’re in card view, you can go back to list view by selecting Switch to list view.

With the default list view, you get a compact list of the dashboards with additional information for each one:

  • Title: The name of the dashboard

  • Category: The category the dashboard is in

  • A dynamic date column that changes based on your selected “Sort by” option

  • View count: Number of views the dashboard has received

  • Creator: The person who created the dashboard

If you’re an Analytics admin, you can also perform actions on multiple dashboards at once, such as granting access, archiving, moving to trash, and disabling dashboard subscriptions.

Card view

If you’re in list view, you can go to card view by selecting the Switch to card view.

The four main parts of a dashboard card.

With the card view, you can get the following information for each dashboard:

  1. Thumbnail preview of the dashboard

  2. Dashboard title

  3. Dashboard creator

  4. Date when last edited


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