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Manage data source access

You must have permission to manage the data source to grant, modify, or revoke access to it.

You can only grant access to:

  • groups that you’re part of

  • people in groups that you’re both a part of

However, Analytics admins can grant access to any person or group.

Grant access to a data source

Set query restrictions

To help you ensure only the appropriate people have access to the data from a data source, data sources are private by default. If you want to allow anyone with access to Atlassian Analytics to query the data for building charts, you can set change the data source’s query restrictions:

  1. Select Data from the global navigation.

  2. Select View access for the data source with the query restrictions you want to change.

  3. Under Restrict who can query, select the restriction you want to apply:

    1. Only specific people can query (default)

    2. Anyone with access to a product with an Enterprise plan and Atlassian Analytics

Changes will immediately take effect.

Grant access to specific people

To assign data source permissions to a person or group:

  1. Select Data from the global navigation.

  2. Select View access for the data source you want to grant access to.

  3. Under Assign permissions, search for the person you’d like to add.

  4. Select the permission level you’d like to assign to them. View the levels of data source permissions.

  5. Select Add.

Can’t find who you’re looking for? Check with your organization admin or through your organization administration that they have access to Atlassian Analytics.

Modify access to a data source

To change a person or group’s data source permissions:

  1. Select Data from the global navigation.

  2. Select View access for the data source you want to modify access to.

  3. Find the person or group whose permissions you’d like to change and select a different permission level.

Changes will immediately take effect.

Revoke access to a data source

To revoke a person or group’s access to a data source:

  1. Select Data from the global navigation.

  2. Select View access for the data source you want to revoke access to.

  3. Find the person or group you’d like to remove from the current access list and select Remove by their assigned permission level.

People and groups you remove will immediately lose access to the data source.

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