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“Issues overview” dashboard template

This dashboard shows overall project progress along with a project date of completion based on how many unresolved issues you have and progress made in the last year.

Controls on the dashboard

Use the following controls to configure the dashboard:

Project name

“Dropdown” control to filter all charts for data relating specific projects.


“Dropdown” control to filter all charts for data relating specific issue priorities.

Issue type

“Dropdown” control to filter all charts for data relating specific issue types.

Charts on the dashboard

This dashboard contains the following charts:

Project progress

The number of issues by issue status

Predicted completion date

Estimates the completion date of the project based on the number of issues resolved in the last year and the current number of unresolved issues

Unresolved issues by priority

The number of unresolved issues grouped by priority

Unresolved issues by priority and age

The number of unresolved issues grouped by priority and the age bucket of open issues

For example, “51-100” refers to issues that have been open for 51 to 100 days.

Issue details

Shows the following details for each issue that matches the filter criteria:

  • Issue key

  • Project

  • Issue type

  • Priority

  • Status

  • Created date

  • Updated date

  • Due date

You can filter this list by project, priority, and issue type.

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