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Set up dashboard subscriptions

You must have permission to the manage the dashboard to set up subscriptions.

Schedule dashboard subscriptions to automatically send an email containing a PDF copy or CSV files of the dashboard. You can schedule as many subscriptions as you’d like.

Atlassian Analytics ensures your dashboard subscription always has the latest data by refreshing the charts if the cached data is expired or older than 30 minutes. Learn more about cache duration.

Note: Subscriptions have a size limit of 25 MB.

Schedule a subscription

To schedule a subscription, you need to add one to your dashboard.

To add a subscription:

  1. Open the dashboard that you’d like to schedule a subscription for.

  2. Select Settings from the dashboard sidebar.

  3. Go to the Subscriptions tab.

  4. Select Add subscription.

To schedule a subscription:

  1. Now you can set up your subscription preferences according to your team's needs:

    1. Name: The name of the subscription

    2. Frequency: How often to send the subscription

    3. Day of week: The day to send the subscription; only available if Frequency is set to Weekly

    4. Day of month: The day of the month to send the subscription; only available if Frequency is set to Monthly

    5. Hour of day: The hour (in UTC time) to send the subscription

    6. Subscription controls: Customize your subscriptions by setting specific values to the controls

    7. Format: PDF, CSV, or both

    8. Include inline image: Select to add an image of the dashboard to the subscription

    9. Subscription recipients: Add people who should receive the subscription. Subscription recipients must have access to the dashboard. Learn how to grant access to dashboards.

  2. Select Add.

Enable subscriptions

To schedule subscriptions, you need to enable them for the dashboard.

To enable subscriptions for a dashboard:

  1. Open the dashboard.

  2. Select Settings from the dashboard sidebar.

  3. Go to the Subscriptions tab.

  4. Switch the toggle on to Enable subscriptions.

When you create a subscription, it will be enabled by default. If there are any existing subscriptions, those will resume to send per their schedule settings.

Delete a subscription

Delete a subscription if you don’t need it anymore and want to stop sending automated emails for it.

To delete a subscription:

  1. Open the dashboard with the subscription you want to delete.

  2. Select Settings from the dashboard sidebar.

  3. Go the Subscriptions tab.

  4. Select the Delete () icon to the right of the subscription’s Name field under Actions.

Disable subscriptions

You can disable subscriptions for a specific dashboard without deleting them completely. This allows you to conveniently reenable them later without the need to reschedule each subscription again.

From the home page

To disable subscriptions for a single dashboard from the home page:

  1. Select Dashboards from the global navigation.

  2. Select More actions () > Disable subscriptions.

From the dashboard settings

To disable subscriptions for a particular dashboard:

  1. Open the dashboard.

  2. Select Settings from the dashboard sidebar.

  3. In the Settings tab, deselect Enable subscriptions.


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