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Map chart settings


Chart title

The title of your chart

Title font size

The font size of your chart title

The minimum value is 8.

Chart subtitle

The subtitle of your chart

Subtitle font size

The font size of your chart subtitle

The minimum value is 8.

Show tooltips

Enable tooltips, which appear when you hover over areas of your chart and show the values at the point in focus

Map type

The type of map for your chart:

  • Automatic - Default; infers the best map to use based on your data

  • World continents

  • United States (State)

  • United States (County)

  • United Kingdom (County)

  • France (Departments)

  • North America

  • South America

  • Europe

  • Asia

  • Africa

Map data type

The location data type used in your chart:

  • For world countries and continent map types:

    • Country name

    • Two-letter country code (Alpha-2)

  • For United States (State) map type:

    • FIPS (State)

    • State name

    • Two-letter state code (Alpha-2)

  • For United States (County) map type:

    • FIPS (State and county)

    • State/County

  • For United Kingdom (County) map type:

    • Region name

    • Subregion name (County, district, city)

  • For France (Departments) map type:

    • Region name

    • Department name

Show border

Shows a visible border around the chart. This border will create a separation between the chart and dashboard elements that surround it.


Background color

The background color of your chart

By default, it uses the background color of the dashboard theme. Selecting another color overrides the background color of the dashboard theme.

Use custom colors

Overrides the chart colors of the dashboard theme

Use the color picker or enter a hexadecimal color code to set the color of each column represented on your chart. Make sure to click Select once you’ve chosen your color to update the selection.

The colors are tied to each specific category in your chart, so if the ordering in your chart changes due to the data changing, the color you associated with Login, for example, always stays associated with Login. However, the color resets if you change the name of Login.

Map border color

The color of your map’s border lines

No data color

The color for areas with no data


Type of color scale

Changes the scale for determining the color of your data points:

  • Default (linear)

  • Threshold

  • Logarithmic


Use this chart as a variable control by selecting a dashboard and connecting other variable controls to it. Learn more about how to set up drilldowns for a chart.

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